Multidisciplinary Journals for Research & Reviews | 2024-08-20T07:39:41+00:00 Dr. Gheorghița Dincă (Editor-In-Chief, IJMRR), Professor, Department of Finance, Accounting and Economic Theory, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania Open Journal Systems <p><strong>International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research &amp; Reviews (ISSN: 2945-3135) is a Peer Reviewed, Referred, Multidisciplinary, Open Acess, Scientific Journal.<br /></strong>IJMRR brings out quarterly publication i.e. four issues in a year. The journal is managed and operated by River Publication House &amp; Media Private Limited, Kol-700 049, WB, IN. IJMRR adheres ethical guidelines recommended by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and University Grant Commission (UGC).</p> <p>The prestigious international editorial team reflects spacious spectrum of subject coverage in the journal. IJMRR is dedicated to publish high quality research article, Review article, Short communication, Case report, Posters, Slides notes, and Conference materials.</p> <p>International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research &amp; Reviews (IJMRR) has wide scope for different fields of Arts, Humanities, social sciences, Pure Sciences, Applied Sciences, Management, Education, Health sciences, &amp; emerging Technologies.</p> <p><strong>Aims &amp; Scope :</strong></p> <p><strong>Section-A: Arts, Humanities &amp; Social sciences</strong></p> <p><strong> </strong>Humanities, Social sciences, Community and Consumer Sciences, Economics, Political Science, Geography, Philosophy, History, Humanity, and Languages concerning with social science, Anthropological, Behavioral Sciences, Sociology, Journalism and Role of Media in social science, Role of NGOs in the protection of the environment. Educational Sciences: For School Students, Women, Village and Society, Commerce, Law and Management related with humanities and social science, anthropology, communication studies, criminology, cross-cultural studies, demography, development studies, economics, education, ethics, geography, history, industrial relations, information science, international relations, law, health, linguistics, library science, media studies, methodology, philosophy, political science, population Studies, psychology, public administration, sociology, social welfare, linguistics, literature, paralegal, performing arts, religious studies, visual arts, women studies, economics, international relations, development studies, population studies, political science, history, journalism and mass communication, corporate governance, cross-cultural studies, peace and conflict, library and information science, public administration, psychology, philosophy, sociology, women studies, religious studies, social welfare, anthropology, linguistics, etc.</p> <p><strong>Section-B: Business, Management &amp; Law</strong></p> <p>Organizational Behaviour, Management Development, Accounting and Finance, Business Ethics, Strategic Management, Marketing, Operations Management, R&amp;D Management, Business Economics, Public Sector Management, Business ethics and legal issues, Business policies, strategies, and performance, Business and retail research, Business security and privacy issues, Consumer behaviour, corporate governance, Emerging advances in business and its applications, Innovation and product development, International business issues, Management and retail marketing, Marketing management and strategies, Relationship management, Risk Management, Retail Management and communication, New venture start-up, Retail buying, MIS and Retail Management, Demographics and Retail Business, HRM and Retail Business Innovation in Retail Management, Law and management</p> <p><strong>Section-C: Pure Science </strong></p> <p>Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Astrophysics, Oceanography, Geology, Chemistry, Biological sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Food Science, Nutrition, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biomedical science, Veterinary Sciences, Molecular Biology, biotechnology, environmental sciences, Plant Sciences</p> <p><strong>Section-D: Engineering &amp; Technology </strong></p> <p>Computer Science Engineering, Electronics &amp; Telecommunication, Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Material Science Engineering, Energy Engineering, Robotics, AI, Computing</p> <p><strong>Section-E: Medical Sciences &amp; Healthcare</strong></p> <p>Medicine, Neurology, Gastroenterology, Radiology, Oncology, Pediatrics, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Orthopedics, Diabetes, Nephrology, Pulmonology, Dermatology, Hematology, Immunology, Ophthalmology, Gynecology, Surgery, Anesthesiology, Toxicology, Cancer research, Alzheimer, Infectious Diseases, Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation, Paramedical science, Nursing and Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals Science, Clinical Research, , Molecular Biology, Nutrition, Pathology, Reproductive Medicine, ,Forensic Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Public health, Health and hospital management.</p> <p>The scope includes above field but not limited.</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Mandatory disclosure for authors:</span></strong></p> <p>Contributions must be original, not previously or simultaneously published elsewhere, and are critically reviewed before they are published. Papers, which must be written in English, should have sound grammar and proper terminologies. Authors must follow all ethical guidelines for academic publication and standard plagiarism policy.</p> <p>The published papers are made highly visible to the scientific community through a wide indexing policy adopted by this online international journal. Hence, they can freely be accessed and utilized by everyone for the development of science and technology. Being a part of an eco-friendly community, favors and promotes e-publication of papers to truly present itself as an online journal.</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Article submission process</span></strong></p> <p>(1) Online submission system</p> <p>(2) E-mail Submission: <strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong style="color: blue; font-weight: bold;"></strong></span></strong></p> CONCEPTUAL DESIGN OF TUBULAR CHASSIS OF A CUSTOM ELECTRIC ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLE 2024-06-01T09:20:56+00:00 Srujan Patil, Narayanan Girish Iyer, Rahul Srinivasan, Utkarsh Sagar Dr. Mahantesh M. Math* and Dr. Prapul chandra AC <p>The growing popularity of electric all-terrain vehicles (e-ATVs) necessitates lightweight &nbsp;chassis designs for enhanced efficiency and extended range. This study presents the development of a novel, optimized tubular chassis specifically designed for e-ATVs. The design iteratively optimizes tube diameters, wall thicknesses, and bracing strategies to achieve a superior strength-to-weight ratio. Additionally, the feasibility of integrating composite materials for specific, non-critical components is explored to further reduce weight without compromising structural integrity.</p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ADVANCEMENT IN SMART MATERIALS: REVOLUTIONIZING MATERIAL SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING 2024-06-04T13:41:02+00:00 Shailandra Kumar Prasad, Sonali Nag, Amit Kumar Sinha <p>This work investigates the important effects of smart materials on material science and manufacturing methods. Because of its special qualities, smart materials may react quickly to changes in their surroundings, thereby improving performance and functionality across a broad spectrum of uses. This paper examines how smart materials are used in precision engineering, additive manufacturing, and composite fabrication, emphasizing how these processes improve product quality, efficiency, and sustainability.&nbsp;It also explores the way smart materials are incorporated into material science research, explaining how this might lead to the creation of unique materials with specific qualities needed by various industrial sectors. This paper highlights the revolutionary potential of smart materials in altering the future of material science and manufacturing with an evaluation of current advances and future prospects.</p> 2024-06-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FROM MEDIEVAL FEASTS TO MODERN TRENDS: A CREATIVE LOOK AT HISTORICAL CHANGES IN FOOD CONSUMPTION IN INDIA 2024-06-09T06:48:15+00:00 S. Gayathri Seema Bhakuni <p>Food consumption in India has evolved dramatically over the years, affected by cultural, religious, economic, and technical reasons. Ancient Indian meals were predominantly vegetarian, based on agricultural products such as grains, pulses, fruits, and vegetables, with dairy playing an important part. The arrival of the Mughals in the 16th century brought rich, diversified cuisines with meat, exotic spices, and new cooking techniques, resulting in the fusion of Persian and Indian culinary traditions. The colonial period brought about additional changes as European influences introduced new foods and eating habits, like tea, coffee, and refined sugar, which became staples of Indian diets. The Green Revolution of the mid-twentieth century greatly revolutionized food production, increasing the availability of staple grains such as wheat and rice and shifting conventional consumption patterns. In recent decades, globalization and urbanization have resulted in a more diversified diet, with increased consumption of processed and fast meals in addition to traditional diets. There is also an increasing trend toward health-conscious eating, with an increased interest in organic foods and plant-based diets. Understanding the historical changes in food consumption in India illustrates the complicated interaction of tradition and modernity, as well as the current issues of maintaining food security and sustainability.</p> 2024-06-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PHILIPPINE JOURNEY TO “NO POVERTY” GOAL: CHALLENGES, TRENDS, AND INITIATIVES 2024-06-15T10:01:18+00:00 MOHAMMAD-YUSOPH P. MAPIA <p>Poverty has been a problem in the Philippines. Corruption, unemployment, and low access to education are considered contributors to this undesirable phenomenon. Utilizing a systematic review approach, this paper aimed to describe the challenges of poverty in the Philippines, the poverty trends, and the initiatives and frameworks of the country for this problem. The review shows that the Philippines is on the right track considering the poverty trends of the country. Numerous policies and programs have been administered by the different departments and agencies to meet the “no poverty” goal of the country. Various frameworks have been formulated and updated as well. Hence, it is highly recommended that the country should remain steadfast and strengthen its monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to ensure that the country remains on the right track towards the goal.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ARTOCARPUS LAKOOCHA: A GOLDEN FRUITS FROM FOREST AREAS OF EASTERN INDIA 2024-06-15T11:29:10+00:00 B. R. Jana <p>Artocarpus lakoocha L., sometimes known as barhar, is a small fruit that is commonly used medicinally and cultivated in subtropical areas throughout India. Fruits of Artocarpus lakoocha were obtained from various eastern Indian states, including Jharkhand, West Bengal, and Bihar. The results showed that the TSS of this fruit ranged from 22.0 to 26.50B. Total sugar levels ranged from 9.09% to 10.87%. The fruit had 26.70 to 42.44 mg of vitamin A and 41.76 to 54.72 mg of vitamin C per 100g of pulp. Plants cultivated in basic soils (pH 7.0-7.4) have greater Vitamin C and TSS levels than those grown in acidic soils (pH 5.0-6.5). Based on the findings of this study, it may be concluded that Artocarpus lakoocha was &nbsp;a nutrient-rich sub-acidic fruit with traits that promote human immune system,&nbsp;growth and development, as well as some horticultural fruit quality attributes.</p> 2024-06-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 NEUROTIC PERSONALITIES, UNCONSCIOUS CONFLICTS, AND REPRESSED EMOTIONS: A POSITIVE PSYCHOANALYTIC STUDY OF THE POST-APOCALYPTIC CONDITION IN CORMAC MCCARTHY’S THE ROAD 2024-06-21T04:39:40+00:00 David Paul G Alan <p>Victims of various apocalypse can re-frame&nbsp;their catastrophic condition to a new phase of life. Positive Psychoanalysis diverges from the conventional psychoanalytic method of focusing on the negative aspects of the human psyche by emphasizing the optimism of the human Psyche, moving away from the pessimism of the traumatic events. The Paper explores the Neurotic Personalities, Unconscious Conflicts, and Repressed Emotions in the characters (Father and Son) of the American novel The Road, surviving in a barren and chaotic Post-apocalyptic world. Employing a Positive Psychoanalysis lens, the investigation is further expanded by probing into the two main characters gripped in fear of death and loss. The psychic experience is elucidated in the context of a post-apocalyptic world and this elucidation requires the Freudian, Pre-Freudian, and the positive psychoanalytic concepts for a better understanding. The Paper explores how the Son develops an optimistic psyche while the father dies unable to cope with the pessimistic state of the apocalypse.</p> 2024-06-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 USAGE OF ASH AND ALIANTHUS EXCELSA ROXB. (MAHARUKH) AND FERULA ASSA-FOETIDA (HING) POWDER IN AGRICULTURE AS PESTICIDE AND PLANT GROWTH PROMOTER 2024-06-27T04:02:27+00:00 Mohammed Bilal, Chetana Bhamre and Dr. T. T. Shaikh <p>This proposed research work is about use of Ash, Alianthus excelsa Roxb. (Maharukh) and Ferula assa-foetida (Hing) powder in agriculture. Ash contains macro and micro elements which increase bunching of roots, prevent death and decay. Alianthus excelsa Roxb. (Maharukh) and Ferula assa-foetida (Hing) powder have chemical compounds like alkaloids, phenolic compound and volatile oils that are act as insect resistance. In preference of chemical insecticide inoffensive as well as inexpensively available, they decrease side effect on plants and promote health and growth in plants.</p> 2024-06-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 INTEGRATION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) IN THE TEACHING METHODOLOGIES OF THE SELECTED FACULTY MEMBERS OF MSU MAIN CAMPUS : A POLICY RECOMMENDATION 2024-06-29T07:48:50+00:00 HOSNIE M. GOGO <p>This research undertaking aimed to investigate contributions of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) integration in the Teaching Performance among the selected colleges as perceived by the faculty of Mindanao State University, Marawi City. This study is anchored on the Triple-E Framework of Liz Kolb which is a practical tool that measures the degree to which the technology in a lesson is helping students meet the learning goals.&nbsp; &nbsp;Faculty respondents were also asked on the effects of ICT integration in the classroom based on the Dimensions of Triple-E Framework. Significant insights were also gained from the perceptions and responses from students regarding their exposure to ICT tools as part of their learning process. Finally, the interpretation of data and responses that were gathered provided basis in generating ICT support facilities needed by the faculty members for the effective and efficient execution of their teaching methodologies for the betterment of their learners and the possible interventions of the University Administration of the ICT related development programs.The data from the survey yielded the diverse rankings of ICT tools that were integrated in their teaching methodologies. With a diverse frequency, they utilized technology in organizing text, images, audios, and videos through power point presentations in order to facilitate effective and efficient lecture and discussion for classroom interaction and enhancement. The data obtained from the survey identified the “Intermediate” Level of Literacy of the Integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools. Among the ranking of tools that they commonly utilized were: &nbsp;Personal Computer, Laptop, Printer, DLP Projector, Smartphones, Television Monitor while the most useful software were the Microsoft Office, Audios, Videos, Multimedia Players, Online Applications and resources as well as the Internet. Their knowledge and skills in ICT use determined their evaluation of the role of technology in achieving the learning objectives they aimed for the students which resulted among exceptional, strong and average connection. This implied the strong relevance of utilizing technology and the internet in helping their students maximize the achievement of their learning objectives. In describing their responses regarding ICT integration in the Teaching Methodologies, Students’ responses considered and gleaned from the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and series of Interviews that were conducted with the group of students. Students identified themselves as ‘Millennials’ and the immense role of ICT is inevitable. They see technology as of the means to learn better. During the interview sessions, majority of them shared the importance and preference of ICT in the conduct of their classes while some were able to disclose it negative impact. Inevitably, most of them described it as very practicable in the teaching methodologies of their instructors and for them as a learners. They also made mention how the classroom became transformative with the advent of ICT tools integrated in the teaching methodologies of their educators.&nbsp;This study made an implication that the collaboration of technology and the faculty inputs would help maximize and attain the learning objectives that could facilitate authentic development to the learners.&nbsp;This study recommended the following: all the tertiary faculty members, especially those who did not integrate ICT into their teaching methodologies, to utilize ICT facilities through equipping their knowledge and skills on the use of ICT tools; faculty members should undergo advance trainings and engagement on the ICT-related development programs to be more effective in their teaching methodologies; all the faculty members to widen their perspective and dimension on the diversity of the use of ICT tools that can contribute to the acquisition and absorption of knowledge among the students by increasing their motivation and engagement in classroom activities; the university officials must initiate an effort to provide ICT facilities, interventions and development programs for ICT to supplement the noble vision of the university to be in international status; Indeed, ICT plays an important role in achieving the university visions through the provision of these facilities; University and college officials must invest in ICT facilities for the teaching methodologies of their faculty for the students to be diverse and competitive making them in an international standard; and lastly, all faculty members must be well-versed and equipped with the knowledge of ICT tools for them to incorporate in their teaching methodologies as the researcher truly believes that ICT unlocks the door to education and education unlocks the door to development.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 INTEGRATION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) IN PHILIPPINE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: LEGAL AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORKS, CHALLENGES, AND STRATEGIES 2024-07-02T04:46:27+00:00 ALINOR C. AMIL <p>Although the use of AI in public administration has the potential to completely transform public service delivery and governance, it also presents challenges, particularly in the legal and regulatory landscape. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in Philippine public administration is systematically reviewed in this study, with an emphasis on the legal and regulatory frameworks, associated challenges, and potential strategies for addressing these challenges. The study synthesized pertinent literature from a variety of sources, including the Journal of Public Affairs and Development and the Journal of Social Sciences, using a systematic review methodology. The results showed that the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in Philippine public administration puts conventional legal frameworks to the test, calling for the creation of AI rules as well as ethical considerations. Hence, this paper emphasized how critical it is to devise strategies to deal with these challenges to fully utilize artificial intelligence (AI) in Philippine public administration.</p> 2024-07-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CHALLENGES FACED BY TRIBAL WOMEN IN ACCESSING HIGHER EDUCATION IN DHULE DISTRICT 2024-07-02T04:51:18+00:00 Bhupendra Amrut Gavle Dr. Jagdish Shankar Sonawane <p>This research paper examines the barriers to higher education for tribal women in Dhule District, Maharashtra. Despite government initiatives and policies aimed at promoting education among marginalized communities, tribal women in this region continue to face significant obstacles. The study employs a mixed-method approach, utilizing both quantitative and qualitative data to explore the socio-economic, cultural, and institutional challenges that impede their educational advancement. The findings highlight the urgent need for targeted interventions to ensure equitable access to higher education for tribal women.</p> 2024-07-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 A STUDY ON IMPACT OF CSR ON PROFITABILITY OF SELECTED AUTOMOBILE COMPANIES IN INDIA 2024-07-13T08:07:11+00:00 Dr. Rajaram Majhi Soumya Ranjan Sahoo Dr. Biswa Mohan Jena <p>Corporate social responsibility is a vital concept in the academic as well as in the corporate world and over time it has become a vital part of organisation strategy. The study on the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on the profitability of selected automobile companies in India is important for several reasons: CSR is becoming increasingly important for businesses around the world, as stakeholders demand that companies take responsibility for their impact on society and the environment. The study will focus on a select group of automobile companies operating in India, chosen based on their size, market share, and CSR initiatives. It will analyze the financial performance of the selected companies over a specific period of time to determine the impact of CSR on their profitability. The study will consider a range of CSR initiatives implemented by the selected companies, including environmental sustainability, social welfare programs, and ethical business practices. The study will employ quantitative research methods, including statistical analysis and financial modeling, to evaluate the relationship between CSR and profitability. It will also examine the perspectives of key stakeholders, including customers, employees, and investors, on the impact of CSR on the selected automobile companies.</p> 2024-07-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 LEADERSHIP DECISION- MAKING IN VUCA BUREAUCRACY: GLOBAL TURBULENCE, INFLUENCE, CHALLENGES, AND STRATEGIES 2024-07-13T09:22:56+00:00 ALINOR C. AMIL <p>The current bureaucratic environment is volatile, unpredictable, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) due to increasing globalization, technological innovation, and geopolitical instability. This paper studied leadership decision-making in VUCA Bureaucracy, focusing on the types of global turbulence in VUCA Bureaucracy, the influence of global turbulence in VUCA Bureaucracy on the decision- making processes of leaders in bureaucratic settings, the specific challenges leaders encountered in making decisions under conditions of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, and the strategies to address the challenges and global turbulence encountered by leaders in making decisions under VUCA bureaucracy. Through a systematic review, this paper synthesized real-world examples, academic literature, and case studies. The results and their implications brought to light the VUCA world's unpredictable character, its significant influence on leadership decision-making, the unique difficulties that leaders encountered, and the necessity of creative solutions to survive in this changing environment. The main points of the recommendations were to invest in the development of adaptive leadership, to build strategic insight and foresight, to promote innovation, to cultivate resilience and agility, to invest in strong information systems and technology, and to promote open channels of communication. With the help of these recommendations, leaders should be able to successfully negotiate the intricacies of the modern VUCA world and take advantage of previously unprecedented chances and difficulties.</p> 2024-07-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RIGHT OF PRIVATE DEFENCE UNDER THE LAWS OF INDIA AND AUSTRALIA 2024-07-21T09:08:24+00:00 DR. NEERAJ MALIK <p>Self-preservation is a basic but complicated right in India, England, the US, and Australia. The right to self-defense is recognised. However, legal systems and society struggle to execute and understand this right. The toughest thing is separating self-defense from vengeance or hostility disguised as defence. When contemplating excessive self-defense force, this difference is crucial. Self-defense defends one's and others' health and property against imminent danger. We usually recognise that people have the moral and legal right to use force to protect themselves or their family against immediate threats or violent assaults. In severe situations, humans may employ deadly force. &nbsp;However, the law separates self-defense from revenge, which is punishing wrongdoing. Although vengeance and self-defense may overlap in real life, the legal system strives to differentiate between them. Vengeance is understandable emotionally, but it is not a legal justification for employing force, especially fatal force. The judicial system's legitimacy and vigilantism prevention depend on distinguishing these two conceptions. The defender's belief in the threat's imminence typically determines self-defense legitimacy. Rational arguments must persuade the defender's thinking to believe there is an urgent danger and that force is necessary to defend against it. A person is legally allowed to prevent a crime if there is no time to call the police. This allows the use of lethal force as a last choice for self-defense even when there is a reasonable fear of death or severe harm. Need is necessary to justify fatal action in self-defense. The defence must demonstrate an unlawful and impending threat of serious damage to justify their use of deadly force. This requirement requires self-defense to be motivated by a defined aim and justified by the defender's injuries to protect their legally recognised interest, notably their right to life. The legislation seeks to balance the right to self-defense with the communal purpose of preventing unjustified violence. The right to self-defense is only invoked when the defender's legal rights are infringed by a legally obliged aggressor. Understanding the moral and legal justifications for self-defense requires this foundation. Self-defense reacts to and may hurt the person who created and represents the dangerous situation. This conceptual paradigm distinguishes self-defense from other violence and underlines its responsiveness. However, self-defense laws are hard to enforce, particularly when force is extreme. Courts must carefully assess the apparent immediacy of the threat, the reasonableness of the response, and the defendant's mental state. Self-defense laws in many jurisdictions show ongoing efforts to address these issues. Several legal systems have expanded self-defense to include protecting non-relatives. This recognises the social duty people may have to protect the vulnerable. There is also a growing awareness of the needs of those who have undergone protracted abuse and may utilize self-defense in non-confrontational situations. These occurrences demonstrate the ongoing effort to combine individual safety rights with society interests in order and preventing violence. As cultures struggle with personal safety, domestic violence, and governmental protection, self-defense is anticipated to grow. It will handle complex human conflict dynamics while upholding justice and human rights. &nbsp;In fact, the rule of law does not enable private defence without a legal right infringement.</p> 2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 AN EXPLORATORY STUDY ON CHALLENGES FACED BY INDIVIDUALS IN ADOPTION OF DIGITAL FINANCIAL LITERACY 2024-07-21T10:00:12+00:00 PRASAD ARUN DANDEKAR SATISH MISHRA <p>The knowledge and abilities needed to use digital financial tools and services in an efficient and secure manner are included in digital financial literacy. It is critical to comprehend and overcome the challenges to digital financial literacy as digital financial services, like online payment methods, digital wallets, and mobile banking, become more and more essential to contemporary financial management. Text mining technique using qualitative tool NVIVO 12 has been used to explore the challenges faced by individuals in adoption of digital financial literacy. The findings of the study indicated that the challenges faced by individuals in adoption digital literacy are Lack of Trust, Cost of Internet, Lack of Technology, Security concern, no digital skill training and Lack of Community support can be described as major challenges. Whereas, Low education level, Fear of Fraud, Language Barrier and Resistance to change as minor challenges.</p> 2024-07-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 A STUDY ON THE IMPACT OF DIGITAL FINANCIAL LITERACY ON DEBT MANAGEMENT 2024-07-21T10:17:25+00:00 PRASAD ARUN DANDEKAR SURYAKANT CHAUGULE <p>Digital financial literacy is essential because it enables people to use current technology to manage their finances effectively, improving their capacity to avoid fraud and make wise decisions. Better saving, investing, and budgeting techniques are made easier by it, which enhances financial security and stability. Good debt management helps people plan and prioritise debt payments, preventing excessive interest and penalties, which is crucial for preserving financial health. The focus of this research paper was to analyse the impact of digital financial literacy on debt management. The technique used in this study is SEM using SMARTPLS. The outcome of the study indicated that there is a significant impact of digital financial literacy on debt management.</p> 2024-07-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 A STUDY EVALUATING THE ROLE OF DIGITAL FINANCIAL LITERACY AMONG THE INDIVIDUALS 2024-07-21T10:22:15+00:00 DR. SURYAKANT CHAUGULE PRASAD ARUN DANDEKAR <p>In a world driven by technology, having an extensive knowledge of digital finance is essential for making wise financial decisions. It gives people the know-how to use digital tools and platforms for managing spending, investing, and budgeting. People who possess strong digital financial literacy are better able to manage their resources in a secure and effective manner, which leads to improved financial stability and wellness. The aim with which this study was conducted was to evaluate the role of digital financial literacy among the individuals. One sample t-test was used to evaluate the data collected. The findings of the study indicated that Access to financial services, Debt management, Fraud prevention, Investment knowledge, Savings awareness, Economic participation, Risk management, Financial awareness, Micro finance access, Expense tracking, Digital banking support, Market analysis have a significant role of financial literacy among the individuals. Whereas, it was seen that taxation knowledge and government schemes (government financial assistance programs) have an insignificant role of financial literacy among the individuals.</p> 2024-07-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 IOT BASED SMART ENERGY METER 2024-07-30T16:30:45+00:00 Praveen Kumar S R, Rohan K, Ujvala R, Chandana K R Rajath G R <p>In recent years, the Smart Energy Meter has attracted a lot of attention from all over the world. In this paper a design and prototyping a low-cost IoT energy monitoring is presented, which may be utilized in a variety of applications such as power billing, smart grid energy management, and home automation. The system is based on a low-cost ESP32 microcontroller that is interfaced non-invasive Current Transformer (CT) sensors, and voltage sensor to get data from sensor nodes and deliver it to a Blynk server over the internet. The studies' findings showed that the system for monitoring energy consumption can precisely record voltage, current, active power, and cumulative power consumption.</p> 2024-07-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 A STUDY ON THE CHALLENGES FACED BY FACULTY MEMBERS IN E-LEARNING IN MANGALORE REGION 2024-08-01T12:31:31+00:00 Likhitha.V.Shetty <p>With the rapid expansion of online education, there is a need to understand and address the challenges faced by faculty members to ensure the quality and effectiveness of e-learning programs. The technique used in this study is one-sample t –test. It was found that Internet connectivity, No proper infrastructure, Adapting new pedagogy, Student engagement, Lack of training, Smart devices dependency, Technical glitches, Distraction, Motivating, students, Lack of communication, Less use of kinesics and Problem of formative evaluation techniques are the significant problems faced by the faculty members in e-learning in Mangalore region. . Further studies can be conducted by applying principal component analysis (PCA).</p> 2024-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 SIMPLIFYING STATISTICAL DECISION MAKING: A RESEARCH SCHOLAR’S GUIDE TO PARAMETRIC AND NON-PARAMETRIC METHODS 2024-08-20T07:39:41+00:00 Sohil Altaf Pirani <p>The basis of any research is proper application of Research tools and techniques. A statistical technique is the foundation of any research, the correct utilization of these techniques will foster results that are valid and useful for the world to ponder upon. Through several literatures it has been observed that researchers are not well-versed with the utilisation of parametric and non-parametric Techniques. The purpose of conducting this study is to ease the confusion or lack of knowledge among the researchers in application of various parametric and non-parametric technique. This paper is an attempt to simplify the statistical decision for future research scholar. This study is useful as it converts the complex theoretical concepts of parametric and non-parametric techniques into simplified summarized content. This will eventually lead to the research fraternity fostering effective solutions to the social issues.</p> 2024-08-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024